
An Introduction to Crystals

An Introduction to Crystals

Crystals are beautiful elements of creation. They are powerful instruments of healing. Each crystal holds a key to the intelligence of the universe within their structure. When we access this intelligence, by integrating them into our energy field or into our space, we are comforted and our energetic and cellular structure changes, and our issues relating to that crystal lessen.

Crystals heal and bring balance to every level of our being and have long since been a tool for self growth and development. Lately there have been some newly discovered stones for the new age that help to raise our consciousness and open us to a higher vibration.

When we provide a crystal to shift you through a specific issue we open and attune the crystal specifically to you so you get the healing frequency needed efficiently.

We offer this service to make healing efficient for our clients as we understand access to the right crystal is often not always possible. And obtaining the recommended crystal will help in clearing the issue at hand. This service is certainly a pleasure though we do note that sometimes clients may need the experience of shopping and choosing their own crystals.

Personal Crystals

Personal Crystals

Personal crystals can empower and transform you. There are a variety of ways to enjoy the benefits of personal crystals. They can be worn as jewelry or used as a talisman. You can carry them in your pocket or even tape them to various parts of your body. Held in meditation and used in a crystal healing layout.

        They can be programmed (asked) to work with you on a vast array of concerns.
        Here are a few examples

  • Nurturing
  • Depression
  • Protection
  • Electromagnetic Frequencies
  • Discernment
  • Love
  • Fidelity
  • Inner Child work
  • Grounding
  • Clarity
  • Spiritual Guidance
  • Networking

Feng Shui Crystals

Feng Shui Crystals

Feng Shui Crystals are generally the larger crystals and are powerful enough to emanate throughout a room. They can be out on display used as ornamental pieces or remain hidden depending on the look of the space you are wanting to create.

They are a very important part of the feng shui process as they not only eminate their own signature vibration, they can anchor in what you would like to use them for. You will find this support to be long lasting and valuable.

       By placing them in the appropriate sector of your space you can

  • Heal the inhabitants
  • Protect occupants
  • Create a safe haven from the world
  • Ease stress and tension in the air
  • Can be used as ornamental pieces
  • Guard against theft and invasion
  • Create balance of moods
  • Unblock paths to greater fulfillment and
  • Open up opportunities
  • Induce a want to keep your space tidy
  • Clean out your emotional baggage

The Healing Properties of Crystals



Stabilizes the aura. Promotes self acceptance, strength and courage. Enhances mental function. Heals emotional trauma. Creates a sense of safety and security by dissolving internal tension.



Calms the brain and nervous system. Balances masculine / Feminine energy. Has a powerful filtering action. Protects against electromagnetic stress. Useful to wear in shopping centres where there is a high level of EMF.



Commitment to self. Links what is wished for to the drive to achieve it. encourages peace and develops trust. Bring balance and patience and encourages decision making. Spiritualises the intellect.



Facilitates spirituality and contentment. Enhances psychic abilities. Enhances memory and improves motivation. Transmutes Psychic attack energy into love. Strong cleansing and healing powers. Enhances psychic abilities.



Combines the properties of Amethyst and Citrine. Synthesis of spirituality and abundance. Balances the male female polarities. Useful where where the masculine blocks the female’s right to look good.

Apache Tears

Assists in the grieving process and allows forgiveness. Breaks down barriers that hold one back.



Carrier of the Akashic record. Allows information to be transmitted from the spiritual realm into the physical. Promotes introspection into one’s own behaviour. Brings recognition of one’s true self and allows that to be shown to the world.



Encourages one to live Higher Self. Reduces stress and quietens the mind. Overcomes judgementalism. Increases sensitivity, courage and tolerance.


Reinforces leadership qualities and decisiveness. Promotes empathy and compassion and encourages perseverance. Stabilises one’s state of mind, stimulates perception and enhances creativity. Aligns mental, physical, emotional and auric bodies.



Awakens psychic ability, insight and intuition. Excellent for clearing the mind during meditation. Expands the mind. facilitates understanding of the effect of the mind and emotions on the body. Transmutes fear and phobias.



Dealing with a stressful life and shedding unnecessary baggage. Tuning into guidance as to what you should be doing. Represents purity of being. Enhances courage, relieves stress and calms the mind.



Blood cleanser. Powerful revitalizer. Helps to ground heart energy. Reduces irritability. Encourages selflessness. Assists in bringing spirituality into everyday life.

Boji Stone

One of the most effective grounding stones. Useful for those who find it difficult to have more than a toehold incarnation. A pair will balance the male-female energy.



Powerful stabiliser enhancing trust in oneself and the ability to overcome setbacks. Connects the emotions with the intellect creating emotional intelligence. Changes ideas into action.



Restores vitality and motivation. Stimulates creativity. Imparts an acceptance of the cycle of life and removes fear of death. Useful for overcoming abuse. Banishes emotional negativity, replacing it with love of life.



Jumpstarts spiritual development. Dream recall and astral travel. Hope and harmony. Imparts gentle strength and inner peace.



Helps to overcome fear. Stimulates inner vision and spiritual insight. Synthesizes the heart and crown chakras. Used to overcome compulsions and obsessions.

Chrysanthemum Stone

Radiates harmony. Brings a childlike fun and innocence to those on their spiritual path. Synthesizes change with equilibrium.



Helps meditation and communication within the home and stabilizes rocky relationships. Heals heartache and increases the capacity to love.



Acceptance of self and others. Induces deep meditative states. Assists in looking at egotistical motives. Stimulates creativity.



The stone of abundance. Attracts wealth prosperity and success. Raises self esteem. Removes destructive tendencies. Helps develop a positive outlook. Dissipates negativity.

Cobaltic Calcite

Cobaltic calcite

Love, compassion and the understanding of unity within diversity, bringing tolerance, forgiveness and Universal love. Relieves tension and stress about your physical body. Dissolves resistance to loving yourself.



Opens the higher heart. Activates spiritual attunement. Heals the child within. Dissolves grief, betrayal and sorrow. Heals the pain of abandonment. Overcomes lack.

Double Terminator Quartz

Double Terminator Quartz

Have two definite points at both ends. One point absorbs negative energy and the other radiates healing energy. Integrates spirit and matter.



The stone of successful love. Loyalty, harmony, sensitivity and tranquility. Promotes friendship and loyalty. Enhances memory.



Effective against computer and electromagnetic stress. Helpful organiser. Incorporates structure into daily life. Helps process information and promotes concentration and quick thinking.



Energizing and regenerating. Revitalizes, balances and purifies energy. Balances sexual drive and controls the rise of kundalini. Removes inhibitions and taboos. Commitment. Devotion.



Excellent for grounding. Helps coming to to terms with mistakes and to accept them as learning experiences rather than disasters. Beneficial for legal situations.

Herkimer Diamond

Stimulates psychic abilities, spiritual vision, telepathy and guidance from higher dimensions. Attunes people and links them together when they have to be parted.

Isis Quartz

Isis Quartz

Five sided sailing boat shaped face. Very nurturing feminine energy, like a mother’s hug. Perseverance. Useful for healing anything that is broken. Can take you deep into your own heart for healing and insights and acceptance.



Harmony. Fidelity. Peace. Purity. Serenity. Increases love and nurturing. Attracts good luck and friendship.

Japan Law Twin

Japan Law Twin

Dissipate deviations working out problems on both the physical and subtle levels. can act to stabilise the emotions, dispel anger and to encourage one to ‘expect a miracle’



Brings tranquility and wholeness in times of stress. Unifies all aspects of your life. Reminds people to help each other. Grounding.



Awakens the heart centre producing loving thoughts.Radiates peace and connects one to universal love. Encourages humility and the willingness to serve.



Grounds spiritual vibrations. Protects and dissolves negativity. Encourages speaking one’s truth. Opens the throat chakra. Excellent for meditating.



Known as the Magician’s stone. Ability to access and move between inter dimensional realms and planes of existence. Mental and intuitive abilities.

Lapis Lazuli

Lapiz luzuli

Protective stone. Blocks psychic attack. Aids clarity. Facilitates spiritual journeying and stimulates personal and spiritual power.



Facilitates balance between active and receptive aspects of oneself. Raises consciousness and harmonises body and soul to new vibrations. Heals past life relationships. Balances emotional extremes.



Clears electromagnetic pollution. Assists in finding a strong emotional centre. Curbs hyperactivity and attention deficit disorder. Stimulates the intellect and analytic qualities.



Transformation. Spiritual development. Encourages risk taking. Overcomes fear of confrontation. Helps one overcome victim/ abuser polarity. Reduces inflammation.



Extra terrestrial origin infused with Mother Earth. Transformation. Rapid spiritual evolution. Increased incidence of synchronicities.



Feminine stone. New beginnings. Strongly connected to the moon and it’s cycles. Self discovery. Makes the unconscious conscious and promotes intuition. Improves emotional intelligence. Linked to the pineal gland and balances the hormonal system.



Truth enhancing. Exposes flaws, weakness and blockages. Draws out mental stress and exhaustion. Strong protective stone forming a shield against negativity.



Strength giving. Self control. Assists in the grieving process. Supports during times of mental and physical stress.



Aids in accessing and expressing one’s true self. Enhances self worth. Brings lightness and self worth. Inspiration.Imagination.



Opens, cleanses and activates the heart and solar plexus chakras. Clears old baggage, burdens, guilt and and obsessions.


Opens to cosmic consciousness. Aids in spiritual purification. Takes you to a calm and clear spiritual dimension. Helps to clear entities from the aura.



Calms and cleanses and helps to de clutter your environment. Useful in busy areas in the home eg the bathroom. Serenity. Enhances prophecy.



Facilitates tapping into abilities and potential. Increases stamina and enhance physical performance.



Powerful healing and energy amplifying. Balances and regulates and unblocks energy.. memory enhancement. Enhances psychic abilities and attunes you to your spiritual purpose.

Quartz Cluster

Quartz Cluster

Hamonises and stabilizes the group. Ideal for families and work situations.



Represents selfless love and compassion. Heals sexual abuse. Aids in attracting a soulmate. Heals those who feel unloved. Inner child.



Balances yin yang energy. Heals emotional shock and panic. Heals emotional self destruction, codependency and abuse. Clears away emotional wounds and scars from the past. reconciliation.

Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz

Emanates unconditional love. Opens the heart. Calming and reassuring. Excellent stone in a child’s bedroom.



Awakens passion for life. Life force. Improves motivation. Encourages you to follow your bliss. Creates a powerful shield against psychic attack and vampirism. Useful when people are talking about you behind your back. Enlightens your base chakra.

Rutilated Quartz

Rutilated Quartz

Draws off and filters negativity energy and breaks down the barrier to spiritual progress. Connets to soul lessons and the plan for the present life. Good luck



The wisdom stone. Mental and psychic activation. Helps to see below the surface into the underlying truth. Release depression and spiritual confusion and stimulates concentration.



Opens and activates the third eye and crown chakra. Clears etheric blockages and debris from the higher self chakras. Compels one to move forward with one’s life.


Spiritual enlightenment. Excellent for accessing self healing. Access to Angelic levels of energy. Enlightening and joyful.


Connection to the inner realms. Intuition. Communication. Channelling. Mediumship. Brings third eye and throat into alignment. Helps one to understand where one’s life is out of alignment and brings it into a state of integrity.

Shiva Lingam

Kundalini activation. vitality. spiritual transformation and rebirth. Oneness with the All.Unites all sides of the Self.

Smokey Quartz

Smokey Quartz

Spiritual grounding. Highly protective. Dissolves negativity. Pushes you through the stagnant areas of one’s life that may have been ignored.



Aids in the understanding of how the world works. Helps with one’s core lessons and true path lies in one’s life.

Spirit Quartz

Spirit Quartz

Spiritual evolution. Freedom from fear. Releases tensions from our conscious and our unconscious fears allowing us to truly love. Encourages cooperation and group consciousness.


Opening to the devic realm of the fairies. It enables one to limit spending and all that sabotages or is destructive destructive.



Dreams. Helps to overcome hopelessness. Opening to dreaming of better options and the strength and courage to manifest these dreams. Alleviates negative destructive emotions.


Leadership. Strength. Abundance. Benevolence. Enlightened male energy. Instills a sense of joie de vivre. Warms and stimulates the emotional body.

Tibetan Quartz

Spiritual protection. Enhancement of meditation. Opens to expanded states of consciousness.

Tiger Eye

Tiger Eye

High vibrational grounding stone. Assists in accomplishing goals and removes anything and everyone in the way of achieving this. Personal power.



Empathetic stone. Promotes truth, forgiveness, honesty and openness. Sheds light on your path. Releases tension.

Tourmalated Quartz

Tourmalated Quartz

Grounding. Protective. Turns negative thoughts into positive. Dissolves old patterns and releases tension.



Cleanses purifies and transforms dense energy into a lighter vibration. Grounds spiritual energy, clears and balances all the chakras. Forms a protective shield around the body.



Stone of Truth. Encourages those around you to speak the truth. Integrity. Aids in self expression. Releases old vows and everything else that prohibits you from walking and talking your truth.

Zoisite with Ruby

Zoisite with Ruby

Teaches growth healing and enjoyment of the moment. Supports the reproductive process from conception to birth. Encourages creativity and vitality. Helps to focus on what one desires to be doing.