Energy Healing can clear
- Negative programs that stand in the way of what we are wanting to achieve.
- Outdated emotional responses that are triggered when our buttons are being pushed.
- Issues left unaddressed manifesting as physical ill health
- Patterns that are stored in our subconscious mind that force us to to act without awareness.
- Karmic issues that serve no purpose.
Energy Healing can heal
- Stress, tension and anxiety
- Physical health Issues
- Old karmic contracts
- Out dated programs
- Depression
- Relationship breakups and loss
- Mental anguish
- Psychic attack
- Trauma and abuse
- Anger
- Jealousy
- Self sabotage
- Chords and entanglements
- Discordance in relationships
- Psychic attack
- Negative thought forms
- Attachments and unwanted spirit beings